All posts by jtrister

Treatment and Support of Musculoskeletal Healing

Treatment and Support of Musculoskeletal Healing
Article Summary

Renata Trister DO

An injury stimulates a sequence of events begins that begin healing. This healing process involves inflammation, repair, and remodeling. Tissue repair and wound healing are complex processes that involving interconnected, biochemical and cellular reactions, beginning with inflammation and followed by the repair and remodeling of the injured tissue. Connective tissue repair and remodeling involves chondrocyte reproduction, the formation of collagen fibers and ground substance. The healing process first involves removal of damaged tissue, then the subsequent rebuilding of healthy connective tissue. The redness, swelling, heat, and pain of inflammation are a natural part of the healing process. Prolonged or chronic inflammation, however, can slow down the healing process, causing continued loss of function. Furthermore, suppressing inflammation with drug treatment also results in delayed healing.

The inflammatory response is a critical part of tissue repair and wound healing.

When there is damage to connective tissue it is important to address the nutritional requirements for the synthesis of both the collagen fibers and the proteoglycans must be addressed when damage to connective tissue occurs. Many nutrients are involved in connective tissue repair and wound healing: glucosamine sulfate, D-glucuronic acid, amino acids, bioflavonoids, and select vitamins and minerals. In addition to nutritional support, homeopathy has been used for generations for both acute and chronic injuries.

The Inflammatory Response

Prostaglandins and related compounds are collectively known as eicosanoids. Most are produced from arachidonic acid, a 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid (5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid).
The eicosanoids are considered “local hormones.” There are anti-inflammatory eicosanoids and inflammatory eicosanoids. The standard American diet promotes the production of those that are inflammatory. Fortunately, many substances inhibit inflammatory eicosanoids or promote the production of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids classic mechanism for controlling inflammation. They have specific effects on target cells close to their site of formation. They are rapidly degraded, so they are not transported to distal sites within the body. But in addition to participating in intercellular signaling, there is evidence for involvement of eicosanoids in intracellular signal cascades.
They have various roles in inflammation, fever, regulation of blood pressure, blood clotting, immune system modulation, control of reproductive processes and tissue growth, and regulation of the sleep/wake cycle.

Nutrients & Herbs That Modulate the Inflammatory Response

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are precursors of primarily anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. In addition, the omega-6 fatty acid, gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), also supports the production of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa)These herbs have long been used for acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. Studies suggest that both herbs may block activity of the enzymes cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. These enzymes are necessary for the production of inflammatory eicosanoids.

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Capsaicin, the main constituent of cayenne pepper, may play a role in inhibiting inflammatory eicosanoid synthesis by blocking cyclooxygenase activity as well. Capsaicin can reduce tissue sensitivity by selectively depleting a neuropeptide needed to transmit pain impulses to the central nervous system. Thereby changing “the perception of pain”.

Nutrients Involved in Connective Tissue Repair
Controlling inflammation is directly linked to the next phase of the healing process repair and remodeling. Following connective tissue injury, it is critical to supply the raw materials and proper nutrients that support tissue recovery and new tissue synthesis. These include:

Amino Acids Supplying amino acids may support the formation of collagen a critical connective tissue. Collagen fibers are made up of long chains of amino acids, of which one-third is glycine. Proline, hydroxyproline, and hydroxylysine are also prevalent.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are building materials that are vital for the synthesis of new connective tissue as well as for the healing process.

Antioxidants free radical production a major consequence of the inflammatory response—may aggravate an injury and delay or prevent adequate healing. Vitamins E and C are major antioxidants. Vitamin C is required for collagen fiber synthesis, a vital process for tissue repair and healing. Copper, zinc, and manganese further protect tissues by supporting the activity of superoxide dismutase—an enzyme that converts damaging superoxide free radicals into less harmful molecules.
Bioflavonoids see additional section below.

Muscle Mechanics, Relaxation, and Rest

Proper muscle use, joint alignment, and biomechanics during tissue remodeling are critical for preventing reduced range of motion due to scar tissue formation. In addition, injury can give rise to increased anxiety, stress, and poor sleep, resulting in prolonged and unfavorable healing.

• Group of plant pigments that are largely responsible for colors of many fruits and flowers
• Useful in treatment and prevention of many health conditions
Four categories:
• PCO (Proanthocyanidins)
• Most potent PCOs are those bound to other PCOs
• Exist in many plants and red wine
• Commercially available sources are from grape seeds and bark from the maritime pine
• Quercetin
• serves as backbone for other flavonoids such as citrus flavonoids: rutin, quercitrin, hesperidin
• these derivatives have sugar molecules attached to the backbone
• most active of the flavonoids
• Citrus bioflavonoids
• include rutin, quercitrin, hesperidin, naringin
• standardized mixture of rutinosides known as hydroxyethylrutosides (HER)
• clinical results have been obtained in treatment of capillary permeability, easy bruising, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins
• Green Tea Polyphenols
• derived from tea plant camellia sinensis
• produced by steaming the fresh cut leaf
• polyphenol indicates presence of phenolic ring in the chemical structure
• polyphenols = flavonoids
• polyphenols in green tea: catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate, and proanthocyanidins
• epigallocatechin gallate = most significant active compound

Dietary Sources
• Citrus fruits
• Berries
• Onions
• Parsley
• Legumes
• Green Tea
• Red Wine
Average Daily Intake = 150-200 mg

Beneficial Effects
• referred to as “nature’s biological response modifiers” – modify body’s reaction to compounds such as allergens, viruses, and carcinogens
• powerful antioxidants by giving protection versus oxidative and free radical damage
• prevents formation of oxidized cholesterol through antioxidant effects
• greater antioxidant effects than Vitamins C, E, Selenium, and Zinc
• increase intracellular Vitamin C levels
• decrease capillary permeability and fragility
• scavenge oxidants and free radicals
• inhibit destruction of collagen
• crosslinks collagen fibers to reinforce the natural crosslinking
• prevents free radical damage
• inhibits enzymatic cleavage of collagen by enzymes secreted by leukocytes in inflammation and microbes in infections
• prevents release and synthesis and compounds that promote inflammation and allergies (histamines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes)
• antioxidant effects are beneficial in:
• aging process
• chronic degenerative diseases (heart disease, arthritis, and cancer)
• fat and cholesterol oxidation
• antioxidants are produced by:
• inhibiting xanthine oxidase noncompetitively(oxygen free radicals)
• on the cellular level: PCOs are incorporated into the cell membranes along with the antioxidant effects offer great protection to cells against free radical damage.
• anti-inflammatory activity due to inhibition of initial processes of inflammation
• inhibits manufacture and release of histamine
• potent antioxidant activity and Vitamin C sparing action
• beneficial effects for diabetics
• helps prevent diabetic cataracts, and retinopathy
• enhances insulin secretion
• protects pancreatic beta cells from free radical damage
• antiviral activity
• activity vs. herpes virus type 1, parainfluenzae3, polio virus type 1, and respiratory syncytial virus
• in vivo, inhibits viral infection
• may be of some benefit in the common cold
Citrus Bioflavonoids
• antioxidant effects
• increase intracellular Vitamin C, rutin, hesperidin, and HER
• beneficial effects on capillary permeability and blood flow like PCOs
• anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory effects like quercetin
Green Tea Polyphenols
• potent antioxidant effects
• increase activity of antioxidant enzymes in the small intestines, liver, lungs, and small bowel
• inhibit formation of cancer causing compounds like nitrosamines in vitro
• suppressing activation of carcinogens
• trapping cancer causing agents
• forms of cancer that green tea prevents best:
1. cancers of GI tract (stomach, small intestine, pancreas, colon)
2. cancer of the lungs
3. estrogen related cancers (inhibits estrogen interaction with its receptor)
• consumption of green tea with meals inhibits formation of nitrosamines (nitrites combined with amino acids)

Principle Uses
• Treatment of venous and capillary disorders
• venous insufficiency
• varicose veins
• capillary fragility
• Diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration
• Prevention of heart disease and strokes
• Lowers blood cholesterol levels
• Shrinks size of cholesterol deposits in the artery
• Inhibits platelet aggregation and vascular constriction
• In vitro, helps virtually all inflammatory and allergic conditions
1. asthma
2. hay fever
3. rheumatoid arthritis
4. lupus
• Beneficial in diabetes and cancer
Citrus Bioflavonoids
• Venous insufficiency
• Improve microvascular blood flow and clinical symptoms (pain, tired legs, night cramps, and restless legs)
• Improve venous function
• Relieve hemorrhoidal signs and symptoms in pregnant women
Green Tea Polyphenols
• Used principally to prevent cancer

Available Forms
• Grape seed extract (92%-95%) and pine bark extract (80%-85%)
• Used interchangeably, but grape seed extract is preferred
• Grape seed extract is considered more potent and more effective than pine bark extract because only grape seed extract has gallic esters of proanthocyanidins which are the most active free radical scavenging PCOs
• Available in powder and capsule forms
• For anti-inflammatory effects, combination of Bromelain (pineapple enzyme) may provide additional benefit by enhancing absorption of quercetin
• Amount of Bromelain should equal quercetin
Citrus Bioflavonoids
• Mixed preparations are most widely used
• Least active and quantified source of flavonoids
Green Tea Polyphenols
• Commercial preparations that have been decaffeinated and concentrated for polyphenols (60%-80%)
• 1 cup = 300-400 mg of polyphenols
Downside = this dose also contains 50-100 mg of caffeine


Natural Treatments for Premenstrual Syndrome

Natural Treatments for Premenstrual Syndrome: Article Summary
Renata Trister DO

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a frequently observed phenomenon in women of reproductive age that is characterized by recurring physical and psycho- logical symptoms. The symptoms appear in the week before menstruation and subside after menstruation begins. If the symptoms are severe enough to negatively impact a woman’s ability to function at home, in the work- place, or in personal relationships, the diagnosis of PMS can be made.
As many as 85% of menstruating women have some of the symptoms of PMS, but in 5% to 10% of women, these symptoms greatly affect their daily activities. A myriad of symptoms have been associated with PMS; including irritability, tension, fluid retention, and a general unwell feeling.

The exact cause of PMS and the variation in the severity of symptoms are poorly understood. The current theories focus on the fluctuation of of sex hormones (such as estrogen, progesterone) and mood altering neurotransmitters. Renal regulation of fluid balance and hormone balance by the liver are also important components.

The multifactorial nature of PMS has resulted in a variety of natural treatments. Nutrient deficiencies, hormone or neurotransmitter support with select herbal supplementation have been successful approaches. Management of PMS should begin with correcting possible nutrient deficiencies that can worsen symptoms. Herbal supplements have been scientifically studied have been successfully used to treat PMS symptoms. The herbal remedies have been effectively used for centuries.
Nutrition and Vitamins—Studies have demonstrated the importance of nutritional support to ameliorate PMS symptoms suggesting that reversing nutrient deficiencies should be the first step in PMS management. Dietary modification and vitamins are of special importance due to the fact that women with PMS have been reported to consume more refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, and dairy.

A number of herbal remedies have been used to help manage PMS symptoms, many with a history of use dating back centuries. These natural interventions include herbs that support hormone and neurotransmitter balance, fluid retention, and liver health. Please consult with your primary care physician before begging an herbal regimen. Although these are natural and safe products, there may be interactions with other medications.

Chasteberry—(Vitex agnus castus) has been used for centuries in the management of gynecological complaints. Evidence of its effectiveness has led to its approval by the German Commission E health authorities as an intervention for pre-menstrual symptoms and menstrual cycle irregularities. Today, chaste- berry is among the most popular herbs used to help relieve a broad spectrum of PMS symptoms, including breast tenderness, weight gain, abdominal cramps, depression, and mood swings.
St. John’s Wort—(Hypericum perforatum) is used in the management of mild depression, and clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness. A pilot study provided some evidence that supplementation with St. John’s wort may also improve PMS symptoms, such as depression, confusion, anxiety, and insomnia.58
5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) Obtained from the seed of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia, 5-HTP has also been used to treat minor depression. 5-HTP enhances levels of serotonin a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of depression, anxiety, and appetite.
Ayurvedic Medicine—In the Indian traditional system of medicine, known as Ayurveda, women who regularly experience menstrual disorders are commonly treated with the tonifying herbs shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Historically, shatavari is promoted as having rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties, and is useful in PMS symptoms such as menstrual cramps, bloating, and excessive menstrual bleeding. Ashwaghanda is used as a general tonic, sedative, and diuretic.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)—Ancient Chinese medicine has a fully developed botanical system for managing gynecological problems, including PMS and irregular menses. One of the most commonly used TCM formulas, known as Xia-o Yáo Sãn— incorporating the roots of bupleurum (Bupleurum chinense), peony (Paeonia lactiflora), dong quai (Angelica sinensis), bai-zhu atractylodes (Atractylodes macrocephala), poria sclerotium (Poria cocos), ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale), licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis), and mint leaf (Mentha haplocalyx)—focuses on liver function and strengthening the blood.
Seeing a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine is advised, as this system is highly complex. Vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium are also important supplements.
Acupuncture is a great treatment for those who prefer that approach. Acupuncture has been demonstrated effective for thousands of year. And has now become an acceptable and highly recommended treatment by the entire medical community.

The multifactorial nature of PMS has led to a variety of management approaches. A natural intervention program for PMS should begin with correcting possible nutrient deficiencies. Select herbal remedies have been scientifically studied and can support underlying mechanisms associated with the menstrual cycle—such as hormone and neurotransmitter balance, kidney function, and liver health.


Benefits of Probiotics

Benefits of Probiotics
Article Summary
Renata Trister DO
Your intestinal tract plays a vital role in your overall health, not only allowing life-supporting nutrients to be absorbed, but also providing the first line of defense as a physical and immune barrier to food antigens or microorganisms that you may ingest. Within this environment is a highly active society of approximately 500 different species of bacteria that can have both harmful and beneficial effects on your health. While it is imperative for your overall health that the beneficial bacteria dominate, many factors can lead to an imbalance in favor of harmful bacteria, such as a poor diet, antibiotics, and contaminated food and water.
A proliferation of unhealthy bacteria can damage your intestinal lining and lead to the production of carcinogenic compounds and intestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. A damaged intestinal lining allows infectious agents, toxic compounds, and macromolecules to pass through to the bloodstream. Symptoms of this increased intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut syndrome,” can include fatigue, diarrhea, and skin rashes. Ultimately, it can lead to many digestive disorders as well as seemingly unrelated illness, including chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, migraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.
Conversely, the healthy, or “friendly,” microflora provide protection against these harmful bacteria by strengthening the intestinal lining, competing with harmful bacteria for attachment to epithelial cells, producing antimicrobial compounds, and enhancing the intestinal immune system. Thus, maintaining a well-balanced intestinal microflora is important for reducing the risk of infections and supporting overall health. This may be accomplished through the therapeutic use of beneficial microorganisms, or probiotics.
Probiotics: “Friendly” Bacteria That Promote Intestinal Health
Probiotics are live, beneficial bacteria that help to reestablish a healthy microbial balance and exert health benefits. They can be supplied in supplement form (powder or tablets) and in foods such as yogurt and milk. The numerous health effects attributed to probiotics are well documented and supported by modern science.

• Control harmful bacteria such as E. coli and stimulate immune function
• Decrease side effects of antibiotic therapy, such as diarrhea
• Help control uro-genital infections
• Improve the digestion of lactose for people suffering from lactose intolerance
• Decrease harmful activities of intestinal bacteria that may lead to cancer of the colon or other organs
• Assimilate cholesterol, thereby helping to lower blood cholesterol levels
• Improve the integrity of the intestinal barrier

Other benefits of probiotics currently under study include reduction of allergic symptoms and atopic dermatitis and relief from constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease.
How to Choose a Probiotic Supplement
Selecting a high quality probiotic supplement is essential because it has been found that probiotic strains vary greatly in quality. A high quality probiotic should be a strain of human origin that is safe for human use, able to resist acid and bile, and capable of adhering to the intestinal lining. The two most common health-promoting groups of bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, which includes the popular L. acidophilus species. Relatively few strains of L. acidophilus have substantial scientific evidence that supports their quality and effectiveness. One strain that does is the L. acidophilus NCFM® strain, which is perhaps the most extensively tested and proven probiotic strains available today. Over 50 research studies have confirmed the many beneficial properties of NCFM.

• Isolated from human flora
• Acid and bile tolerance-enables it to survive in the harsh intestinal environment
• Ability to adhere to the intestinal wall-enables it to establish and flourish
• Bacteriocin production-helps it compete with other bacteria
• Produces lactase enzymes, helping those with lactose intolerance
• Decreases the production of intestinal carcinogens that can lead to cancer of the colon or other organs
• Assimilates cholesterol in the small intestine

The Health Benefits of Bifidobacteria
Bifidobacteria is another probiotic naturally occurring in humans. Research studies have documented several beneficial effects of bifidobacteria when given to infants, such as prevention of intestinal infections.11 Recent research into the immune-enhancing effectiveness of bifidobacteria in the elderly also shows great promise and suggests that supplementation with bifidobacteria may be a natural, non-invasive way to resist the decline in cellular immunity associated with the aging process.39 Bifidobacteria also produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that have an antimicrobial effect by lowering the pH of the colon, in addition to other inhibitory influences on bacterial cell growth.
The Importance of Viability
For probiotics to be effective, they must be viable, or live, organisms. This can be determined through laboratory analysis of acid and bile tolerance. In addition, the method of culturing, packaging, and handling of the product can make a huge difference in maintaining viability. Temperature, moisture, light, and air can all adversely impact the stability and potency of the bacterial strains. These variables can be controlled through the use of properly sealed containers and refrigeration from the time of manufacture through delivery and storage (both in the store and at home). Finally, the label on the product should identify exactly what bacteria are in the product and what level of live bacteria are guaranteed at the expiration date (not just at the time of bottling).
The Beneficial Role of Prebiotics and Bioactive Proteins
Prebiotics are substances that beneficially and selectively promote the growth and activity of desirable bacteria. As non-digestible carbohydrates, these substances act as a food source for “friendly” bacteria and include fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin. Their breakdown also produces compounds that lower the pH of the colon and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
Many factors can contribute to a disruption of the indigenous microflora population, putting you at increased risk for infection and disease. The use of probiotics offers an intervention with essentially no risk that may provide significant health benefits by stabilizing the intestinal microflora. When choosing a probiotic, it is important to select strains that fulfill the criteria for establishment in the intestinal tract and have demonstrated clinical effectiveness. Prebiotics and bioactive proteins are also useful in supporting a healthy bacterial balance.


Detoxification in the Prevention of Chronic Degenerative Diseases

Detoxification in the Prevention of Chronic Degenerative Diseases
Article Summary
Renata Trister DO

Exposure to toxins like heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic), pesticides, industrial compounds, and pollutants is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), Parkinson’s disease, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Acne, rashes, headaches, aches and pains, fatigue, muscle weakness, tinnitus (ringing in ear), memory loss, and infertility are just some of the symptoms of chronic, low level exposure to toxins.
Since toxins can remain and accumulate in the body, we are exposed to much higher toxin doses than are present in the environment. This accumulated, lifetime exposure has been difficult to research and quantify, but the health consequences are becoming more and more apparent.

How Does the Body Remove Toxic Substances?

The ability to detoxify or remove toxins of a person is a determining factor in likelihood of developing toxin-related conditions. The body has a complex multi-organ system that converts toxins into non-toxic molecules for removal. This complex system occurs in two phases- Phase 1 and Phase 2- that together convert (biotransform) a toxic molecule into a nor-toxic molecule that can be easily excreted. The liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs all participate in this process.
In Phase 1, a functional group is added to the toxic molecule producing an intermediate that needs to be further transformed. Phase 2 called enzymes in the liver attach protective compounds to the intermediate. This process is called conjugation. The products of phase 1 can be more harmful than the original compound, achieving and maintaining a balance between the Phase 1 and Phase 2 process is critical. The products of phase 1 are also very reactive; a significant side effect of all this metabolic activity is the production of free radicals as the toxins are transformed, resulting in oxidative stress. Nutrients that can help protect from oxidative stress include Vitamin C and E, zinc, selenium, and copper.

Optimal detoxification requires that both Phase 1 and Phase 2 are in balance. Bifunctional modulators are phytonutrients that support balanced detoxification by modulating Phase 1 and promoting Phase 2. This minimizes damage by reactive intermediates and free radicals. Fruits and vegetables contain many bifunctional modulators, which is one reason these foods are associated with reduced susceptibilities to cancer and degenerative diseases.

Detoxification is an energy-requiring process that puts a burden on the body. Good nutrition is essential to supporting this process, especially with increasing toxin exposure, obesity and inactivity. High quality protein provides methionine and cysteine, which are beneficial to Phase 2 and may help with toxic metal burdens. Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) support energy production, and olive oil may protect against liver damage. Fiber supports fecal excretion of fecal toxins and the integrity of the intestinal barrier. Rice bran can directly bind with some toxins, thereby removing them before they can enter the body and cause damage.
Nutrients that support energy production include vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), and magnesium. In addition, the following nutrients and phytonutrients provide targeted support for optimal detoxification:

N-Acetylcysteine and Sodium Sulfate promote generation of glutathione, which is used in Phase 2 and is a major route for detoxification of heavy metals, and supports Phase 2 sulfation. Vitamin B12, Folate, Methionine, and Choline promote balanced detoxification by supporting Phase 2 methylation and healthy homocysteine recycling. Catechins from green tea are bifunctional modulators that are strong antioxidants possessing anti-carcinogenic properties. The National Cancer Institute is currently investigating the potential of green tea catechins in chemotherapy. Catechins also promote healthy gastrointestinal function.
Watercress (Naturitum) can inhibit some cancers in animals, and promote excretions of carcinogens in humans. Milk thistle has been used as liver protectant for many years that may improve liver function in patients with liver disease and toxicity. Silymarin, found in milk thisle increases glutathione and is a strong antioxidant. Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is also a liver-protectant with a long history of traditional use that provides strong antioxidant protection and may decrease the loss of glutathione after toxic exposure.

Minimizing exposure to toxins is only one part of the detoxification program. As the level of environmental toxins present in our day to day lives, may not be easy to control, assisting your body with detoxification through nutrition and diet is essential. Focusing on adding green vegetables into your diet is a great start. It is also easier to add healthy greens to your diet, rather than to focus on restricting the “foods you can not have”.


Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic Ulcer Disease
Ulcers and Vitamin U
Vitamin U was discovered in the 50s by Dr. Garnett Chaney. It was first isolated in raw cabbage juice.This vitamin is not available in pharmacies or stores and it has never been synthesized. People who consume a quart (8 OZ 4 times per day) of raw cabbage juice daily have an average peptic ulcer cure time of 10 days.
You may dilute it with apple or other juices for taste.In addition, the supplements Gastrex 3-4 capsules 15 minutes before each meal and at bed time for up to 60 days to help healing.
Take Okra Pepsin E3 ( 2 capsules) after all meals for 6-12 mo. These promote healing, protect from irritating foods, clear away debris and toxins, and even strip away excess stale mucus from the intestinal tract.

Low stomach acid and Zypan test

The problem of low stomach acid is very common. It should be considered an epidemic.
Overuse of antacids and other medications, dietary abuse and aging lead to decrease production of hydrochloric acids and digestive enzymes.
The most common signs of hypochlorhydria ( low acid) are:
Bloating, belching,burning after meals, feeling too full,finding food still in your stomach hours after eating, poor and thin fingernails, poor hair quality,falling hair,broken capillaries and more.

If indigestion is caused by low stomach acid, providing HCL, enzymes and the raw material to create acid will bring prompt relief. Zypan from Standard Process contain betaine hydrochloride,pepsin, and pancreatic enzymes.
Start with 1 tablet per meal and see if you feel better or worse. If you feel the same or slightly better , go to 2-3 per meal and judge the response.
If you feel worse-burning tingling occurs with Zypan, this is a sign that you might have an ulcer or severe gastritis.

What to do for ulcers?
Take 1-3 mo to eliminate the inflammation or ulcer.
A.Consider combining your food more carefully:
1.Eat all the food you want at dinner, but stop when you are full.
2.Combine your food with five simple rules:
-Do not combine fruit with any other food
-Do not combine protein with a starch
-Do not combine bread with a protein
-Drink only pure water with your meal
-After dinner, do not eat anything until morning
3.Drink only pure water with your dinner.No alcohol.
4.Finish your meal at least two-three hours before bed time
B.Eliminate wheat and milk from your diet for at least 30 days
C.Take Gastrex 3 capsules 15 minutes before each meal and at bed time and Okra Pepsin E3 3 capsules with each meal
D. Drink 8 oz of freshly juiced cabbage daily.This can be combine with apple juice for taste.
Expect 1-3 mo for healing.


Nutritional support for Osteoarthritis

Nutritional Support for Osteoarthritis.
In most cases patients with osteoarthritis need following supplements:
Biost (3 daily)-Standard process
Calcifood Wafers (6 daily)-Standard process
Glucosamine Synergy (3-6 daily)-Standard process
Blue ice fermented cod liver oil (2-6 capsules daily)-from Green pastures
X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil – from Green pastures
Cataplex C Excellent source of real vitamin C-Standard process
Sesame Seed Oil perles (10-20 daily)-Standard process. If joints are severely inflamed

Eliminate all grains except rice , quinoa and buckwheat . Eliminate milk.
Plain Yogurt (1 cup) and cheese (2-4 oz per day) will be acceptable.1-2 eggs per day( better organic)
Green vegetables, poultry, fish, small amount of berries, green tea, spring water should be a foundation of your diet. Please walk after meal 15-20 minutes.It is usually takes 12-18 mo to heal.



Internal cleansing and detoxification

Most people need to purify their body every 6-12 mo
If toxins are not eliminated form your body daily , problems with fatigue, headache,poor digestion,food cravings,stuffy head,low sex drive,educed mental clarity , and troubled sleep may occur.
Purification program will help to lose weight and gain control over the weight. Purification program helps you to live healthier life by purifying , nourishing , and maintaining a healthy body. This is a three-week purification program.
The products are by Standard Process:-they contain whole food ingredients that provide intact, complete, phytochemical compounds.The products in purification program are:
1.SP Cleanse for purification.
2.SP Complete: for nutritional supplement shake.
3.Gastro-Fiber for healthy liver.
4.SP Green Food for healthy liver.
5.Whey Pro Complete for protein during purification.
Purification program is best after summer or winter. Aside from specific instructions for 3 weeks, you also get information about healthiest vegetables, oils,grains,fruits,and proteins.
Please contact Drs. Jon Trister, Diana Trister and Tammy Gardell for more information.


Weight Loss

6 Petals Diet

The basis of the 6 petals diet

Developed this diet is a Swedish specialist, nutritionist Anna Johansson on the basis of a mono-diet – “petals” that change daily, and form a single style food. At its core, every day diet – is fasting day when a person eats only one type of product.

Restricting the volume and range of products implies a caloric restriction, thereby leaving excess weight, but by changing the products, “petals” restrictions to the body will not be as sharp as it would be if based diet was the same Product for several days.

Another of the important aspects of this system is still losing weight and motivation, setting on weight loss and mental attitude on the result. 6 petals diet stipulates strict observance of the sequence, which gives the desired result – weight loss.

If you decide to try this diet in action, it is best to adhere strictly to the recommendations of the author. Do not replace components in each petal on your own. During the diet you should drink plenty of clean water, say green tea

Day 1: proteins. Are recommended for use only fish products. Choose lean fish. You can cook fish soup with salt and herbs;
Day 2: carbohydrates. You eat only vegetables – raw, cooked, baked, grilled, steamed. Prepare fresh juices of vegetables. You can use salt, herbs, non-spicy seasonings;
Day 3: proteins. Chicken Day. It is better to give preference to chicken breast without skin, the broth;
Day 4: carbohydrates. All day you eat cereal, preferably – whole grains and sprouted seeds, bread, fiber, seeds in limited quantities. Acceptable salt, herbs and brew;
Day 5: proteins. Eat cheese – low-fat or low-fat;
Day 6: carbohydrates. You eat only fruit. If desired, use the cinnamon, vanilla, and lemon zest;
Day 7: Output from the diet. It can also be used for unloading and fasting.
All the days of dieting banned sugar, spicy seasonings.

According to the author, this mode allows you to get rid of the diet of 500-700 grams per day.

Dieting is always difficult, no matter how tasty and easy it may seem at first glance. Anna Johansson and thought about it, so added to the diet “flavor” in the form of a flower with six petals.

Before starting a diet armed with pencils or paints, colored sheets of paper and draw a big and beautiful flower with six petals. Number the label or the color of each petal by writing on it the name of the day and the composition of the diet products that will be on this day in your fridge, and then in your stomach. You can add to them a couple of invigorating slogans or objectives, such as “Today I dedicate to diet dress a size too small, I saw in the store”.

This flower-diet fasten a prominent place in your home or at work, and at the end of each day dietary tear off tab, if fully completed your mission on this day.

This psychological games with our mind, which make it easier to survive the restriction and deprivation of your food, maintain a cheerful mood and desire to move forward. This is the easiest way to get rid of unpleasant moments lived day. Tearing off a piece, you sort of mentally broke up with the weight and inconvenience of diet.

This technique helps in dealing with stress, and this is most important in the 6 petals diet. With a positive attitude you will not want to break the diet – which means it will be easier to achieve results.

On Sports

Fitness trainers recommend combining 6 petals diet with exercise, which will help in different stages have a more pronounced effect of weight loss.

– In the “Fish Day” will help to enhance the effect of power and aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes.
– In the “Vegetable day” yoga, stretching or walking tour will help activate fat burning.
– In the “Chicken Day” join in strength training and drink plenty of clean water.
– For cereals are perfectly combined dance, aerobics and fitness.
– In the “Cheese Day” you can do pilates or go to the gym.
– “Fruit Day” is best combined with walks and recreation.
– Last, the seventh day – the most difficult. But you can give it up
A couple of laboratory tests should be done in 2-3 weeks.You may contact office for appointment.


Nutritional support for stress-induced dysfunction

Nutritional Support of Stress-Induced Dysfunctions

Article Summary
Renata Trister DO

Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened. When you sense danger—whether it’s real or imagined—the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction, or the stress response.

The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. The stress response also helps you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body suffer. You can protect yourself by recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects.

The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis

The HPA is a complex set of direct influences and feedback interactions among the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands. It is the primary regulator of this stress response. While stress-induced changes in biochemistry may be beneficial to survival in the short term (acute stress), they present an increased risk of various health challenges in the long term (chronic stress). Research increasingly supports the critical role that stress can play in obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, gastric ulcer, cancer, and gastrointestinal, skin, psychological, and neurologic disorders, as well as immune system dysfunctions.

Combating Stress With Herbal Adaptogens

Lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, relaxation, regular exercise, and a healthy diet can all support a healthy response to stress. Herbs referred to as “adaptogens” have been used over the centuries in traditional medicine. An adaptogen is a nontoxic substance and especially a plant extract that is used to increase the body’s ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological function. Adaptogens have a variety of beneficial effects, such as increasing energy and stamina, preventing fatigue, enhancing memory and concentration, and improving work performance. These are some herbal adaptogens:

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – is a rejuvenating herb and one of the most vital herbs in Ayurvedic (Indian) healing medicine. It has been shown to enhance adaptability to both physical and chemical stress. For instance, mice pretreated with ashwagandha and subjected to physical stress showed increased endurance.

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) is an Indian herb with a rich history of treating a variety of conditions. Treatment with holy basil has yielded increased physical endurance, and lowered the stress-induced release of adrenal hormones and cholesterol in animal studies.

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) creeping herb whose habitat includes wetlands and muddy shores. It is traditionally used to revitalize nerves and the mind, as well as to help strengthen the adrenals. In animal testing, bacopa has been shown to improve adaptations in sensory, motor, and motivational systems.

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) is a therapeutic fungus/mushroom found primarily at high altitudes in China and is one of the most valued medicinal fungi in Chinese medicine. Research dating back to 1843 suggests the use of cordyceps to help strengthen and rebuild the body after exhaustion and illness.

Asian Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is greatly valued as a tonic herb that acts to normalize body function and biochemistry. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is used in patients who overwhelmed and exhausted.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) is traditionally used to stimulate the nervous system, decrease depression, enhance work performance, and eliminate fatigue.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is one of the most highly regarded in terms of treating conditions associated with diminished adrenal function.


Chronic Inflammation

By Jon Trister MD and Renata Trister DO

Infectious and metabolic toxemias are two major causes of chronic systemic inflammation. Acute inflammation is a rapid onset process, with more conspicuous symptoms and a short duration. Chronic inflammation, however, is more insidious. It is the result of a perpetual onslaught from a variety of toxins and pathogens. It is a long lasting process that is often silent with indistinct symptoms.

The Respiratory, GI, Integumentary and GU systems are the major sources of toxic metabolic, viral, bacterial and fungal entities that attack our immune system.
Endothelial dysfunction and immune dysregulation are the consequences of persistent stress from toxemia.

ESR, Uric acid, Triglycerides,LDL and their size, hs-CRP and VDR dysregulation (D-25-OH and D1.25 OH) and other are the markers of chronic inflammation and potential damage of the endothelium.
Connective tissue insufficiency, weakness of the support of the adventicial layers of the arteries are major factor leading to loss of tensegrity.
It is impossible to treat cardiovascular pathology without addressing GI system – especially Increased Intestinal permeability – “leaky gut syndrome”
Similarly, gingival, respiratory, dermatological and genitourinary pathology may lead to metabolic, infectious and toxemic stresses that cause a long lasting and pathological response – chronic inflammation.
Identifying and attenuating these factors will reduce the pathologies that lead to chronic inflammation.
