All Posts tagged Weight loss


Internal cleansing and detoxification

Most people need to purify their body every 6-12 mo
If toxins are not eliminated form your body daily , problems with fatigue, headache,poor digestion,food cravings,stuffy head,low sex drive,educed mental clarity , and troubled sleep may occur.
Purification program will help to lose weight and gain control over the weight. Purification program helps you to live healthier life by purifying , nourishing , and maintaining a healthy body. This is a three-week purification program.
The products are by Standard Process:-they contain whole food ingredients that provide intact, complete, phytochemical compounds.The products in purification program are:
1.SP Cleanse for purification.
2.SP Complete: for nutritional supplement shake.
3.Gastro-Fiber for healthy liver.
4.SP Green Food for healthy liver.
5.Whey Pro Complete for protein during purification.
Purification program is best after summer or winter. Aside from specific instructions for 3 weeks, you also get information about healthiest vegetables, oils,grains,fruits,and proteins.
Please contact Drs. Jon Trister, Diana Trister and Tammy Gardell for more information.


Weight Loss

6 Petals Diet

The basis of the 6 petals diet

Developed this diet is a Swedish specialist, nutritionist Anna Johansson on the basis of a mono-diet – “petals” that change daily, and form a single style food. At its core, every day diet – is fasting day when a person eats only one type of product.

Restricting the volume and range of products implies a caloric restriction, thereby leaving excess weight, but by changing the products, “petals” restrictions to the body will not be as sharp as it would be if based diet was the same Product for several days.

Another of the important aspects of this system is still losing weight and motivation, setting on weight loss and mental attitude on the result. 6 petals diet stipulates strict observance of the sequence, which gives the desired result – weight loss.

If you decide to try this diet in action, it is best to adhere strictly to the recommendations of the author. Do not replace components in each petal on your own. During the diet you should drink plenty of clean water, say green tea

Day 1: proteins. Are recommended for use only fish products. Choose lean fish. You can cook fish soup with salt and herbs;
Day 2: carbohydrates. You eat only vegetables – raw, cooked, baked, grilled, steamed. Prepare fresh juices of vegetables. You can use salt, herbs, non-spicy seasonings;
Day 3: proteins. Chicken Day. It is better to give preference to chicken breast without skin, the broth;
Day 4: carbohydrates. All day you eat cereal, preferably – whole grains and sprouted seeds, bread, fiber, seeds in limited quantities. Acceptable salt, herbs and brew;
Day 5: proteins. Eat cheese – low-fat or low-fat;
Day 6: carbohydrates. You eat only fruit. If desired, use the cinnamon, vanilla, and lemon zest;
Day 7: Output from the diet. It can also be used for unloading and fasting.
All the days of dieting banned sugar, spicy seasonings.

According to the author, this mode allows you to get rid of the diet of 500-700 grams per day.

Dieting is always difficult, no matter how tasty and easy it may seem at first glance. Anna Johansson and thought about it, so added to the diet “flavor” in the form of a flower with six petals.

Before starting a diet armed with pencils or paints, colored sheets of paper and draw a big and beautiful flower with six petals. Number the label or the color of each petal by writing on it the name of the day and the composition of the diet products that will be on this day in your fridge, and then in your stomach. You can add to them a couple of invigorating slogans or objectives, such as “Today I dedicate to diet dress a size too small, I saw in the store”.

This flower-diet fasten a prominent place in your home or at work, and at the end of each day dietary tear off tab, if fully completed your mission on this day.

This psychological games with our mind, which make it easier to survive the restriction and deprivation of your food, maintain a cheerful mood and desire to move forward. This is the easiest way to get rid of unpleasant moments lived day. Tearing off a piece, you sort of mentally broke up with the weight and inconvenience of diet.

This technique helps in dealing with stress, and this is most important in the 6 petals diet. With a positive attitude you will not want to break the diet – which means it will be easier to achieve results.

On Sports

Fitness trainers recommend combining 6 petals diet with exercise, which will help in different stages have a more pronounced effect of weight loss.

– In the “Fish Day” will help to enhance the effect of power and aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes.
– In the “Vegetable day” yoga, stretching or walking tour will help activate fat burning.
– In the “Chicken Day” join in strength training and drink plenty of clean water.
– For cereals are perfectly combined dance, aerobics and fitness.
– In the “Cheese Day” you can do pilates or go to the gym.
– “Fruit Day” is best combined with walks and recreation.
– Last, the seventh day – the most difficult. But you can give it up
A couple of laboratory tests should be done in 2-3 weeks.You may contact office for appointment.
