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Chronic Inflammation

By Jon Trister MD and Renata Trister DO

Infectious and metabolic toxemias are two major causes of chronic systemic inflammation. Acute inflammation is a rapid onset process, with more conspicuous symptoms and a short duration. Chronic inflammation, however, is more insidious. It is the result of a perpetual onslaught from a variety of toxins and pathogens. It is a long lasting process that is often silent with indistinct symptoms.

The Respiratory, GI, Integumentary and GU systems are the major sources of toxic metabolic, viral, bacterial and fungal entities that attack our immune system.
Endothelial dysfunction and immune dysregulation are the consequences of persistent stress from toxemia.

ESR, Uric acid, Triglycerides,LDL and their size, hs-CRP and VDR dysregulation (D-25-OH and D1.25 OH) and other are the markers of chronic inflammation and potential damage of the endothelium.
Connective tissue insufficiency, weakness of the support of the adventicial layers of the arteries are major factor leading to loss of tensegrity.
It is impossible to treat cardiovascular pathology without addressing GI system – especially Increased Intestinal permeability – “leaky gut syndrome”
Similarly, gingival, respiratory, dermatological and genitourinary pathology may lead to metabolic, infectious and toxemic stresses that cause a long lasting and pathological response – chronic inflammation.
Identifying and attenuating these factors will reduce the pathologies that lead to chronic inflammation.