By Renata Trister DO
Your liver is one of the largest organs in your body, and it
performs a vast array of metabolic functions.
Additionally, the liver plays a role in regulating blood sugar,
breaking down damaged blood cells, and removing toxins from our
bodies. Because of these important functions, a sluggish or
diseased liver can take its toll on your overall health.
There are many steps you can take to support your liver and ensure
its proper function. One of the simplest things you can do is to
avoid or limit toxins. This includes alcohol, processed sugar and
sweets and over-the-counter pain relievers. Diet also plays a huge
role in the health of our liver. The following is a list of natural
remedies that can be used for liver support.
In Chinese medicine, Qi is your vital life force and is responsible
for the harmonious “flow” of energy in our bodies. Because of its
role in healthy circulation, the liver is largely responsible for
maintaining Qi. Additionally, Chinese medicine believes that the
best time to support your liver is first thing in the morning.
There are studies that show the benefit of consuming acidic
substances for the liver. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to
have a protective effect on the liver and lower oxidative stress.
Citrus juices, like lemon, also have benefits, including anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities.
Drinking these acidic drinks early in the morning may increase the
beneficial effects. Wake up your liver in the morning by adding a
couple TBSP of apple cider vinegar and a squeeze of lemon to a
cup of warm water.
Milk thistle benefits work by drawing toxins out of the body
and protecting the liver from damage. This herb is used for
liver support, milk thistle is a powerful liver cleanser. It helps
rebuild liver cells while removing toxins from the body that
are processed through the liver. Silymarin, which is derived
from the milk thistle plant, has been used in traditional
medicine as a natural remedy for diseases of the liver because
of its potent antioxidant activity.
Oregon Grape Root for its ability to stimulate liver function
and relieve congestion. This herb also helps improve the flow
of bile through our bodies, which promotes efficient blood
Beet Root is shown to have protective and anti-carcinogenic
benefits for the liver. Beets are widely available at the
grocery store and can also be juiced. Supplements containing
beet root powder are also available.
Dandelion is an herb that has been noted for purifying and
protecting the liver from oxidative stress and injury.
Dandelion is available in tea, tincture and can be eaten fresh
in salads.
Alfalfa Sprouts are vitamin-rich shoots that help to reduce
the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver.
Cichoric acid, found in the herb Echinacea purpurea, has
demonstrated promise for its preventive effects liver lipid
metabolism disorders in obesity.
Castor oil packs have been used to promote circulation of the
blood and lymphatic drainage.
Historical textbooks list castor oil as one of the oldest ways to
support health with citations dating back to 1550 BC in Egypt,
thousands of years in India and China, and Europe.
Castor oil and its major constituent ricinoleic acid, an unsaturated
omega-9 fatty acid, has been researched for analgesic, anti-
inflammatory, laxative, and uterine relaxation effects. Specifically
castor oil has been shown to increase the levels of T-11
lymphocytes in the top layers of the skin, increase prostaglandin
E2, and activate the EP3 prostanoid receptor. Increase in T-11
lymphocytes is hypothesized to support immunity.
The heat from a castor oil packs increases blood flow and may
improve oxygenation to target tissues. Castor oil also activates the
VR1 receptor similarly to capsaicin, and this may account for its
analgesic effects.
Castor oil has a lipid structure that easily passes through the skin’s
surface. As castor oil moves through the lymph system, it
stimulates a healthy flow of lymph fluid. This flow is essential to
removing waste materials from the body. Castor oil contains
ricinoleic acid, which is easily absorbed into the liver. Ricinoleic
acid is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that also provides
significant pain relief.
Castor oils packs are typically placed on top of the liver or on top
the uterus. The former supports liver health, while the latter
supports reproductive health. Castor oil packs should be avoided
while trying to become pregnant, and during pregnancy.
Wool flannel large enough to cover the liver.
Organic, cold pressed castor oil.
Plastic wrap.
Hot water bottle.
Towel that you don’t mind getting dirty.
Storage container for wool flannel once finished with pack (a
mason jar or plastic bag).
Warm water on the stove until almost boiling. Lay towel on bed or
Stretch plastic wrap over towel and lay out piece of wool flannel.
Saturate the flannel in castor oil (you want it fully saturated, but
not dripping).
Once water is warm, fill water bottle.
Place wool flannel and plastic wrap on top of liver or abdomen.
Cover as much of the flannel as possible with plastic wrap.
Lie down on towel and place warm water bottle on top of liver.
Relax for 20-30 minutes or longer. Repeat this procedure as often
as desired.
You may also enhance your castor oil pack with essential oils for a
relaxing, aromatic experience.